COVER REVEAL: Imprison the Sky by A.C. Gaughen


*blows dust off blog*

Happy Thursday everyone!

I’m thrilled to team up with Bloomsbury to reveal the cover to A.C. Gaughen’s next book in the Elementae series!  IMPRISON THE SKY is the sequel to REIGN THE EARTH (but it can also be read as a standalone!) and features Aspasia, a new inspiring female protagonist who is a rebel wind Elementa.


So without further ado….










By A. C. Gaughen
Publication Date: January 22, 2019
Ages 14 and up

Bloomsbury |Goodreads

Stolen from her family as a child, Aspasia has clawed her way up the ranks of Cyrus’s black market empire to captain her own trading vessel–and she risks it all every time she uses her powerful magic to free as many women, children, and Elementae from slavery as she can.

But Cyrus is close to uncovering her secrets–not only that Aspasia is a wind Elementa with the ability to sail her ship through the sky, but that she is also searching for her lost family. And if Aspasia can’t find her younger siblings before Cyrus does, she will never be able to break free.

Armed with her loyal crew full of Elementae and a new recruit who controls an intriguing power, Aspasia finds herself in the center of a brewing war that spans every inch of the ocean, and her power alone may not be enough to save her friends, family, and freedom.

Annie+Gaughen-0009.jpgA.C. Gaughen

Author of the Elementae series and of Scarlet, Lady Thief, and Lion Heart. She serves as the Director of Girls’ Leadership for the non-profit Boston GLOW, creating opportunities to encourage and engage teen girls in the Greater Boston area. She has a Master’s in Creative Writing from St. Andrews University in Scotland and a Master’s in Education from Harvard University.

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Goodreads


Thank you so much to Courtney & Emily at Bloomsbury for inviting me to participate! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!

What do you think of the cover? Leave your comments down below!!

