Welcome to my Blog!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my blog!!!! I am so insanely excited to finally be starting this up! Please feel free to look around my site, comment, follow, ask me any questions you want. I really appreciate it! =)

In other news, how many people are stuck in this snow storm with me? The plus side? It’s possibly getting me out of work tomorrow and has given me time to finish up my blog! The downside? It’s freezing, I can’t feel my fingers, I can’t go anywhere, and there’s still no guarantee of not going to work tomorrow. *bangs head against wall*

So, in all of the time I could have spent refreshing my work’s website to see if I didn’t have to go in, I filled out this A-Z survey! I hope it gives you all a chance to get to know me, my bookish tendencies, and my absurd life a little better. I’d appreciate any feedback you have on all of my blogs! I’m constantly looking to improve and I honestly can not wait to get to know all of you who are reading this right now.

This survey was made by Jamie, The Perpetual Page-Turner! She’s a wonderful person and an amazing blogger! You can find her blog here.

I hope you enjoy my first ever Live, Love, Read blog installment…

Author you’ve read the most books from:

My Goodreads account says J. K. Rowling! Apparently I don’t seem to stick with authors passed one series… Whoops…

Best Sequel Ever:

Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas! If I didn’t already have a mad girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence, Ms. Maas and Celaena Sardothien would probably take the cake!

Currently Reading:

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I haven’t read too far into it yet, but I’m already loving every page! Sorry for the slow pace Alex! You can find her book and reviews on Goodreads by clicking here! 

Also reading Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier at the request of some twitter friends to join them for a read along! Haven’t really started it yet, but planning on it tonight! It has such high reviews, I can’t ignore it. Look it up on goodreads by clicking here!

Drink of Choice While Reading:

Mm if I’m not drinking my “fake coffee” (french vanilla cappuccino mixed with hot chocolate) first thing in the morning, than it’s probably water or V8 Splash! And before you all say it, I KNOW that juice is bad for me! It’s, Just. So… *sobs*… DELICIOUS!

E-reader or Physical Book?

I had a Kindle. My mom was reading a book on it and borrowed it for our vacation to Maui… Little did we both know that when we got home, my mom had left my Kindle in the pocket in front of her seat on the plane… I never saw it again… But no matter! I love books more anyway! Even though they cost more, there’s just something wonderful about holding an actual, physical novel in your hands, knowing every page number you’re on, and being able to look at the pages and see that you’re already halfway through!

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

Probably Edward Cullen from Twilight. No lie. I would attract the weirdest people, and I still do! Plus, it doesn’t help that I’m completely attracted to people who never show their emotions. Too bad that Robert Pattinson is NOT AT ALL attractive to me! Maybe I should have just said Rowan from Heir of Fire… Yup, nevermind. Rowan wins.

(SJMaas You win this time!!!!)

Glad you gave this book a chance:

Iron King by Julie Kagawa. Though it was not my favorite of all time, the characters have a quality about them that seems to just stay with you. I still wish Puck was a part of my real life! It also introduced me to the Fae world and the fairy genre of YA fantasy fiction! MUCH LOVE JULIE!

Hidden Gem Book:

I‘m still in love with The Host by Stephanie Meyer. It got so overshadowed by Twilight and the “The Host” movie was absolutely horrible!!!! Nothing has done this book justice or showcased what this AMAZING novel is really about. Seriously, pick it up. Read it. Grab tissues. It will change your life.

Important Moment in your Reading Life:

Probably about a month ago. I was reading (Heir of Fire, of course) and just sat there REELING with all the feels! I was thinking to myself, “If I could write a book, it would be this one reincarnated.” and all of a sudden my brain just got smacked with a, “YOU IDIOT! WHY AREN’T YOU WRITING A BOOK YET?!”  and that thought basically started my journey.

I gave myself two weeks to toggle the idea around in my brain, finally decided that YES, I was going to write a novel, and YES, I am determined to eventually become a full time author.

So, my first step? I created a twitter. Don’t ask why, because I honestly have NO IDEA why I created a twitter. I’ve never been a twitter person. I deleted mine years ago. I can’t even remember WHY I created this one, but fate must have it’s hands on me because it has seriously led me to the most amazing people I have yet to meet. They’re a support system. They’re teachers. They’re best friends in a life where I never had any that shared my nerd status. I love them all. I honestly don’t know if I would still be trying to do this blog if I hadn’t joined twitter and been inspired!

Step two? Create this blog! And that is where that moment has placed me. Right here. Staring at this screen, writing to all of you. =)


Just Finished:

The Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. A charming series about a girl who is still trying to figure out who she is and the boy who knocks down every door to help her figure it out. Review to hopefully come soon!

Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:

I try to give every book a chance! I can never seem to get into mysteries though. No idea why! They just don’t seem to float my boat.

Longest Book You’ve Read:

Apparently J. K. Rowling trumps all! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at 870 pages long.

** easy way to find this out. Go to your Goodreads “read” list, don’t scroll down but where you are on the screen there will be this little tab on the bottom that lets you choose how you want to scroll or how many books you want display. There is also a sort option with a drop down and you can sort by page. – Broke and Bookish**

Major book hangover because of:

Still hungover from Heir of Fire. I seriously can’t say it enough. Mind = Blown.

Number of Bookcases You Own:

One floor to ceiling length bookcase in my room. However, if you include all of the 1,999 books I have at work and the bookcases I have there… you’re looking at ten bookcases overall.

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

Actually, I am NOT a repeat reader. I do try, but all that actually occurs is my mind going, “what happens?” “oh yeah, that” “I forgot about that”… “Wait, no i didn’t. I still know what’s happening next!” “This is stupid”… And that’s basically the end of that!

Preferred Place To Read:

In the tub. Seriously, don’t laugh. You try combining two ridiculously relaxing things into one! You’ll understand!

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

“So often we only do what we think is expected of us, when we are capable of so much more.” – Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

I honestly love that quote. It’s something that keeps you going everyday. We so rarely realize how much we are ACTUALLY capable of doing. This is my reminder to constantly try to push passed the limits of what I believe it possible, of what I believe I can do, and break down the doors of my mind’s constraint.

Reading Regret:

I was going to say nothing, but then I thought back to my 11th grade honors English class and Moby Dick… I seriously just want to strangle myself thinking about it. Excuse me while I go slam my head into a wall a couple hundred times to try and erase the memory…

Series You Started And Need To Finish (all books are out in series):

The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast. I loved that series through middle and high school. It just has SO MANY darn books!!! There’s like twelve books in that series! I loved every minute of them though. =) Guess I need to get on that!

Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

The Host by Stephanie Meyer, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Probably threw you for a loop with that last one, huh? Heh heh. *wink*

Unapologetic Fangirl For:

Libba Bray and everything that she is, was, and is going to be. Seriously, she’s just so BADA$$ that I have absolutely no problem shouting to the world how awesome she is as both a person and a writer. She’s absolutely brilliant and cunning in every sense of the words. Read her books. READ THEM!

Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

I’d like to say Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas, but I feel like that’s too expected of me. *fan girl squeel anyways* However, I AM really looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard and The Orphan Queen (LOTS of queens apparently!) by Jodi Meadows. I’ve heard so many AMAZING reviews about these two novels already and I’m so excited to read them!

Worst Bookish Habit:

Hmm… That’s a tough one! In my eyes? Probably the fact that I’m seriously OCD with my books. I don’t like to borrow them because I want my own, new, pristine copy. I don’t like to lend them out because I constantly worry if the other person will ruin the book or never give it back! My books all look like they’re brand new and I’m seriously “anal” about keeping them that way.

X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl … See?! I have something other than Maas and YA fantasy on my shelf!

Your latest book purchase:

I just purchased nine books this past weekend. NINE! Ready? Here goes:

The Prey by Tom Isbell

Atlantia by Ally Condie

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon

Alienated by Melissa Landers

Splintered by A. G. Howard

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

All of these books have some awesome reviews. Please go check them out, buy them, and support our authors!

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I’m SO caught up in this book! You all know how it goes: You look at the clock, say “I’m only going to read for an hour!”, start reading, next thing you know it’s three hours later and you’re still going, “ehh.. I can live with two hours of sleep, NO PROB!”… *wakes up looking like Frankenstein*. True story.

I’m off to warm up my hands and charge my phone in the hopes that the power doesn’t actually go off and that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow! Thanks for reading, and to everyone in the northeast, stay safe out there!

❤ Kelly

20 thoughts on “Welcome to my Blog!

  1. Yay congrats on your first post!! Loved reading through your survey! You know what’s funny is that Sarah J Maas also inspired me to start writing again! I used to write just for fun way back when but stopped and after I read crown of midnight last year I was like oh my god. I want to write! 🙂

    Stay safe in the snowpocalypse and hopefully no work for you! 🙂


    • Thank you!!! And that’s so funny!!! I think it’s mostly her depth of character and her extreme attentiveness to detail. Seriously, her plot is so intricate in the way that she takes her main character along multiple journeys in order to get the end result. I love it. I kept sitting there thinking, “I wish I could write something like this! It’s just SO GOOD!” until I finally started thinking, “Well… why CAN’T I write something like this? Nothing is stopping me!”. My dreams of writing were born. I used to write fan fiction, poetry, and lyrics a lot when I was younger. I think school got the best of me though because I lost my love of writing when I had to write a ridiculous amount of papers that were so long. I’m sure you know the feeling too. It just slowly drained me. Now here I am, finding my love of writing all over again. =) I wonder how many other people SJMaas has inspired to start writing?!


  2. Yay! What a fun first blog post. And it all looks sooooo good (all that stress just seems silly now right? I do that all the time). I’m excited for you and excited to follow you!

    Also, I am so glad to find someone else that loves The Host. I try to recommend it but everyone thinks I’m kidding because Twilight and that dumb movie for The Host. But I loved that book. I obsessed overy that book. I still think about that book. More people need to give it a chance!

    Best of luck and stay safe through that giant snowstorm!


    • Emily, Thank you so much! Your support is so awesome! The stress, in some ways, does seem silly! It usually does once you just DO IT and PUT IT OUT THERE though! I just stress about the little things. I wanted to make sure it was as perfect as it could be! I’d love to match up to the absolute gorgeousness of some blogs. I’m just not quite there yet. =) and I. LOVE. THE. HOST. Seriously, I try to recommend it to people all the time, but even trying to explain it to people never does it justice. They look at me weirdly when I say something along the lines of “The alien invades her body!” and then I have to just shove the book at them and say, “READ IT!”. Haha, it was so much better than Twilight. Honestly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Aaaaaahhhh!!! I loved the host!!!! I loved your first blog post!! Yay! I also dont understand why more people haven’t read the Host. I read it in one sitting. It was that good!!


    • Thank you Amber!!!! Your support has been so wonderful, as well. =) I’m glad you like it! And I KNOW!!!! It’s absolutely amazing. My aunt actually recommended it to me years ago and I just soaked it all in. I tried to read as much of it as I possibly could. The movie just doesn’t do it justice at all!!! I hop more people start to pick it up now that it seems “aliens”, so to speak, is becoming a popular subject in YA literature!


  4. OK rule number one I need to edit my posts before I actually post them.. therefore my dear friend please re post this one..
    Love everything about your blog!! You are awesome and I look forward to following you on your journey ❤ Terri… and that is why you check my stuff!!


  5. Kelly!! I’m so glad you decided to come back and try blogging – it’s been so much fun interacting with you over the past few days!

    So, a few things:

    1. SARAH J MAAS. CELAENA. CHAOL. ROWAN. DORIAN. ALL OF THE YES. I binge read all 3 (and all the prequels) at the end of last year, and I just cannot get enough of them! It’s been the first time I’ve had such series love since Harry Potter – it’s unbelievable and so amazing and I love it!!!
    2. HARRY POTTER. I’m so excited to see that it ranks high in your list of loves – a Potterhead is basically instant friend status for me. (My cats’ names are Neville & Luna. I’m in this for the long haul.)
    3. I love the quote that you chose! It’s so inspirational. ❤
    4. I've always kind of wanted to read Iron King, and your endorsement of it might have moved it up on my TBR pile … 😉

    Great post, ma'am! I can't wait to follow you and see what else you do with your blog! So much fun. 😀



    • Guess what, I did THE SAME EXACT THING! I was sick, so I picked up the TOG books and just READ all day and all night until I finished them! I still haven’t read the Assassin’s Blade though!! I really need to! I have a few books that I need to read first though. Then my SJMaas excitement can start up again. =)

      Do you know how ABC Family has Harry Potter weekends? I seriously plan my life around them! Haha, I stay in and watch them ALL THE TIME! I also have the entire series on DVD, but it’s just more exciting to find them on TV!

      Thank you! The Iron King series is a well done Fey series. I will admit that the main character irritated me a bit in the beginning with the way Kagawa always seemed to put her into situations that she was unable to help herself. The first novel also contained, in my opinion, a little bit of a “skippy” plot; Where there were some holes left that I felt were never answered. However, if you can get through the first book, the rest of the novels are pretty awesome. The plot and Kagawa’s writing seem to get phenomenally better as you go. The characters are extremely well done, too. Give it a shot! You may like it. =)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: January 2015 Recap | Bring My Books

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